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Fréderic Huet, Nathalie Lazaric. Apprentissage coopératif et complémentarité des mécanismes de coordination : une étude empirique. Œconomia — History/Methodology/Philosophy, 2004, 8, pp.2073- 2103. ⟨hal-00457805⟩
El Arbi Hassani, Rémy Gautier, Thierry Gidel. Quality in Reseach : Proposal of a Draft Frame of Reference Adapted to Experimentalresearch. Quality in Reseach : Proposal of a Draft Frame of Reference Adapted to Experimentalresearch, 2004, Paris, France. ⟨hal-04466766⟩
Tomas Restrepo, Dominique Millet, Thierry Gidel. Comment mesurer les satisfactions et insatisfactions dans le processus d’innovation : étude de terrain chez Saint-Gobain Glass. Comment mesurer les satisfactions et insatisfactions dans le processus d’innovation : étude de terrain chez Saint-Gobain Glass, 2004, Paris, France. ⟨hal-04466772⟩
Thierry Gidel, Sandrine Fernez-Walch. Gouvernance et management de projet. L’Expansion, 2004, 689. ⟨hal-04466756⟩
Charles Lenay, Olivier Gapenne, Sylvain Hanneton, Catherine Marque, Christelle Genouëlle. SENSORY SUBSTITUTION: LIMITS AND PERSPECTIVES. Yvette Hatwell; Arlette Streri; Edouard Gentaz. Touching for Knowing, 53, John Benjamins Publishers, pp.275–292, 2004, Advances in Consciousness Research, 9789027251855. ⟨10.1075/aicr.53.22len⟩. ⟨hal-02434266⟩
Thierry Gidel. Instrumentation du management multi-projets. Garel, Gilles and Giard, Vincent and Midler, Christophe. Faire de la recherche en management de projet, Vuibert, Paris, pp.281/301, 2004, FNEGE. ⟨hal-04381370⟩
Sandrine Fernez-Walch, Thierry Gidel, François Romon. Le management de portefeuilles de projets d’innovation (MPPI): Etude comparative des pratiques et facteurs clés d’une mise en oeuvre effective. Gestion 2000, 2004, Janvier-Février, pp.137/150. ⟨hal-04381367⟩
El Arbi Hassani, Rémy Gautier, Thierry Gidel. Proposal for a Joint Evolution of the Quality and Research Processes. Proposal for a Joint Evolution of the Quality and Research Processes, 2004, Paris, France. ⟨hal-04466764⟩
N. Sribunruangrit, C. Marque, C. Lenay, O. Gapenne. Graphic-user-interface system for people with severely impaired vision in mathematics class. The 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2004, San Francisco, CA, Unknown Region. pp.5145–5148. ⟨hal-04577673⟩