Donnons un sens à l'innovation

Publications HAL

  • 714 documents

    • John Stewart, Armen Khatchatourov. Transparency_1. Enaction and enactive interfaces : a handbook of terms, Enactive Systems Books, pp.2990–291, 2007. ⟨hal-00980539⟩
    • M. Ziat, O. Gapenne, J. Stewart, C. Lenay. Haptic recognition of shapes at different scales: A comparison of two methods of interaction. Interacting with Computers, 2007, 19 (1), pp.121–132. ⟨10.1016/j.intcom.2006.07.004⟩. ⟨hal-04583026⟩
    • Oriane Deseilligny, Serge Bouchardon, Evelyne Broudoux. Création littéraire en ligne : modèles éditoriaux et stratégies auctoriales. Enjeux et Usages des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication. Médias et diffusion de l’information : vers une société ouverte, Gutenberg, pp.402–410, 2007. ⟨hal-03750636⟩
    • Thierry Gidel, William Zonghero. Management de projet, vol.3, Etudes de cas et supports de formation. Hermès Science/Lavoisier, Paris, 3, 2007, 978–2‑7462–1869‑7. ⟨hal-04381376⟩
    • Hugues Choplin, Jacques Audran, Jean-François. Cerisier, Sarah Lemarchand, Didier Paquelin, et al.. Quelle recherche sur et pour l’innovation pédagogique ?. Distances et savoirs, 2007, 5 (4), pp.483–505. ⟨10.3166/DS.5.483–505⟩. ⟨hal-01180358⟩
    • Mounia Ziat, O. Gapenne, John Stewart, C. Lenay. Manipulation d’un zoom haptique continu via un dispositif de substitution sensorielle. 19th International Conference of the Association Francophone d’Interaction Homme-Machine, IHM ’07, 2007, Paris, Unknown Region. pp.63–70, ⟨10.1145/1541436.1541449⟩. ⟨hal-04577668⟩
    • Jean-Loup Florens, Armen Khatchatourov, Charles Lenay, Annie Luciani, Gunnar Declerck. Tactile-force-feedback integration as an exemplary case for the sense of touche in VE. A new T‑FFD device to explore spatial irregularities. 3rd International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, Nov 2006, Montpellier, France. pp.57–58. ⟨hal-00910644⟩
    • Armen Khatchatourov, Annie Luciani. Some epistemological considerations on relation between cognitive psychology and computer interfaces (on the example of tactile-proprioception synergy). 3rd International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, Nov 2006, Montpellier, France. pp.45–46. ⟨hal-00910646⟩
    • Tomas Restrepo, Dominique Millet, Thierry Gidel, Philippe Armand, Améziane Aoussat. CSCW Tools as an Evolution Vector in Innovation Projects: An Integration Framework. CSCW Tools as an Evolution Vector in Innovation Projects: An Integration Framework, May 2006, Grenoble, France. pp.13. ⟨hal-04466863⟩
    • Fabien Pfaënder, Mathieu Jacomy, Guillaume Fouetillou. Two Visions of the Web: from Globality to Localities. Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Application, Apr 2006, Damascus, Syrie. pp.566 — 571. ⟨hal-03459078⟩
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