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Publications HAL

  • 745 documents

    • Guilain Cabannes, Nadège Troussier, Thierry Gidel, Zohra Cherfi. An uncertainty-based approach to drive product preliminary design. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 2011, 5 (1), pp.55–65. ⟨10.1007/s12008-011‑0116‑x⟩. ⟨hal-02870107⟩
    • Thierry Gidel. Open Innovation. Abécédaire de l’innovation, UTC — collection interactions, 2011, 978–2‑913923–34‑8. ⟨hal-04381378⟩
    • Alistair Jones, Dominique Lenne, Atman Kendira, Thierry Gidel, Claude Moulin, et al.. Apprentissage autour d’une table interactive. Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain (EIAH 2011), 2011, Mons, Belgique. pp.37–44. ⟨hal-00984897⟩
    • Atman Kendira, Thierry Gidel, Alistair Jones, Dominique Lenne, Jean-Paul Barthès, et al.. Conducting Preliminary Design Around an Interactive Tabletop. 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED11), 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp.366–376. ⟨hal-00984873⟩
    • C. Lenay, J. Stewart, M. Rohde, A. A. Amar. You never fail to surprise me: the hallmark of the Other: Experimental study and simulations of perceptual crossing. Interaction Studies, 2011, 12 (3), pp.373–396. ⟨10.1075/is.12.3.01len⟩. ⟨hal-04583034⟩
    • Nicolas Esposito, C. Lenay. FeelTact: Rich tactile feedback for mobile gaming. 8th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, ACE 2011, 2011, Lisbon, Unknown Region. ⟨10.1145/2071423.2071511⟩. ⟨hal-04577666⟩
    • Gael Buet, Thierry Gidel, Dominique Millet. Integrating Innovations into Vehicle Projects – Towards a Robust “Touch Down” Process. Bernard, Alain. Global Product Development, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.117/126, 2011, 978–3‑642–15972‑5. ⟨10.1007/978–3‑642–15973-2_12⟩. ⟨hal-04381366⟩
    • Atman Kendira, Alistair Jones, Guillaume Lehoux, Thierry Gidel, Stéphanie Buisine, et al.. Project Tatin: Creativity and Collaboration during a Preliminary Prduct Design Session Using an Interactive Tabletop. Project Tatin: Creativity and Collaboration during a Preliminary Prduct Design Session Using an Interactive Tabletop, Oct 2010, Bordeaux, France. pp.158/164. ⟨hal-04466769⟩
    • Thibaud Hulin, Isabelle Cailleau, Serge Bouchardon. Enseigner les spécificités de l’écriture numérique. L’écriture et ses pratiques », Colloque du GDR 2657 “Production Verbale Ecrite”, Oct 2010, Poitiers, France. ⟨halshs-01158767⟩
    • Guillaume Lehoux, Atman Kendira, Thierry Gidel, Stéphanie Buisine. Projet TATIN : Vers l’analyse de la créativité en phase de conception préliminaire collaborative autour d’une table interactive. Projet TATIN : Vers l’analyse de la créativité en phase de conception préliminaire collaborative autour d’une table interactive, Jul 2010, Sousses, Tunisia. pp.267/277. ⟨hal-04466857⟩
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