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Mes recherches s’inscrivent dans les domaines de la psychologie cognitive et de la psychogie sociale, elles portent à divers degrés sur la question de la compréhension intuitive du comportement et des signaux manifestés par autrui. Voici quelques exemples de thématiques qui m’intéressent particulièrement :

  • la compréhension intuitive de la structure visuelle des événements
  • la notion d’interface sociale et d’affordances sociales dans les interactions avec des robots
  • le design de l’agentivité
  • les relations entre construction de l’intersubjectivité, expressivité et signalisation sociale
  • la constitution technique des interactions sociales, notamment la question de la mise en présence des individus dans les interactions en ligne

Responsable du master mention Humanité et Industries Créatives (HIC) de l’UTC (

Responsable de l’équipe de recherche “Design & Intersubjectivité”

Articles dans des revues a comité de lecture

  • Boucher, C., Stower, R., Varadharajan, V. S., Zibetti, E., Levillain, F., & St-Onge, D. (2023). Motion-based communication for robotic swarms in exploration missions. Autonomous Robots, 1–15.
  • St-Onge, D., Levillain, F., Zibetti, E., & Beltrame, G. (2019). Collective expression: How robotic swarms convey information with group motion. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 10, 418–435.
  • Levillain, F., & Zibetti, E. (2017). Behavioral objects: The rise of the evocative machines. Journal of Human Robot Interaction, 6(1), 4–24.
  • Abe, N., Laumond, J‑P., & Levillain, F. (2017). Using a dance notation system to generate movements in a humanoid robot: The utility of Laban notation for robotics. Social Science Information, 56(2).
  • Levillain, F., Zibetti, E., & Lefort, S. (2017). Interpretating the behavior and interacting with autonomous robotic artworks. International Journal of Social Robotics, 9(1), 141–161.
  • Levillain, F., & Zibetti, E. (2012). Segmentation et perception intuitive dans l’interprétation de l’action. Quels liens possibles ? Proposition d’un niveau intermédiaire de représentation. L’Année Psychologique, 112(2), 277–308.
  • Levillain, F., & Flombaum, J.L. (2012). Correspondence problems cause repositioning costs in visual working memory. Visual Cognition, 20 (6), 669–695.
  • Levillain, F., & Bonatti, L.L. (2011). A dissociation between judged causality and imagined locations in simple dynamical scenes. Psychological Science, 22(5), 674–681.


  • Levillain, F., St-Onge, D., Beltrame, G. & Zibetti, E. (2020). Towards situational awareness from robotic group motion. In Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Delhi, India, October 14–18, 2019.
  • Garnier, F., Tsaï, F., Zamplaras, D., Levillain, F., & Bihanic, D. (2019). Tamed Cloud: Sensible interaction with a swarm of data. VRIC 2019: 21th Virtual Reality International Conference — Laval Virtual.
  • Levillain, F., & Lepart, S. (2019). Looking for the minimal qualities of expressive movement in a non-humanlike robot. AISB 2019 Symposium on Movement that Shapes Behaviour, Falmouth, UK, April 18.
  • Levillain, F., St-Onge, D., Zibetti, E., & Beltrame, G. (2018). More than the sum of its parts: Assessing the coherence and expressivity of a robotic swarm. In Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Nanjing, China, August 27–31, 2018.
  • Holken, H., Tijus, C., Bessaa, H., Rougeaux, M., Levillain, F., Parmentier, M. (2017). Personalized Dialog with Artworks: New Visitor Experiences with IoT access for Museums and Historical Sites. NEM Summit 2017Conference – “Smart Content by Smart Creators”. Museo Reina Sofía. Madrid : 29/30 November 2017.
  • Levillain, F., Bianchini, S., & Quinz, E. (2017). Behavioral objects: A new paradigm for art and design? In Proceedings of A Body of Knowledge — Embodied Cognition and the Arts conference CTSA UCI, 8–10 Dec 2016.
  • Levillain, F., Lefort, S., & Zibetti, E. (2015). Moving on its own: How do audience interacts with an autonomous moving artwork. In CHI EA’ 15 Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 695–702). ACM.
  • Chenu, C., German, R., Gressier-Soudan, E., Levillain, F., Astic, I., & Roirand, V. (2014). Transmedia storytelling and cultural heritage interpretation: the CULTE project. MWF2014: Museums and the Web, Florence.
  • Orero, J., Levillain, F., Rifqi, M., Damez, M., & Bouchon-Meunier, B. (2010). Assessing gameplay emotions from physiological signals: A fuzzy decision trees based model. KEER 2010: International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research, Paris.
  • Levillain, F., Orero, J., Rifqi, & Bouchon-Meunier, B. (2010). Characterizing player’s experience from physiological signals using fuzzy decision trees. CIG2010: IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, Copenhagen.

Chapitres d’ouvrages

  • Porry, O., Bianchini, S., & Levillain, F. (2022). Faire oeuvre avec des collectifs d’objets à comportements colocalisés et communicants. In A. Khatchatourov, O. Avenati, P‑A. Chardel & I. Queval (Eds), Corps Connectés. Figures, fragments, discours. Presses des Mines.
  • Levillain, F., Bianchini, S., Bouchon, D., Bucher, C., Hoegy, A., Kerbrat, R., Lepart, S., Pais, F., & Porry, O. (2021). Dans la fabrique de l’intériorité : une exploration des façons d’être et des registres expressifs des objets à comportements. In Que prêtons-nous aux machines ? Approches interdisciplinaires des interactions homme-robot. Presses Universitaires de Nancy.
  • Zibetti, E., & Levillain, F. (2016). Off Road: Profiling the artwork and the audience experience. In S. Bianchini & E. Quinz (Eds), Behavioral Objects 1. A Case Study: Céleste Boursier-Mougenot. Sternberg Press.
  • Bianchini, S., Levillain, F., Menicacci, A., Quinz, E., & Zibetti, E. (2016). Towards behavioral objects: A twofold approach for a system of notation to design and implement behaviors in non- anthropomorphic robotic artifacts. In J‑P. Laumond & N. Abe (Eds.), Dance Notation and Robot Motion. Springer.
  • Bianchini, S., Bourganel, R., Quinz, E., Levillain, F., & Zibetti, E. (2015). (Mis)behavioral Objects: Empowerment of users vs. empowerment of objects. In D. Bihanic (Ed.), Empowering Users through Design. Interdisciplinary Studies and Combined Approaches for Technological Products and Services. Springer.

Florent Levillain


Membre permanent
Professeur/e des universités




Sciences cognitives, Psychologie expérimentale, Design

Domaine de recherche

cognition sociale, perception sociale, intersubjectivité, médiations techniques des interactions, interactions homme-robot

Université de technologie de Compiègne
CS 60319 - 57 avenue de Landshut
Plan d'accès
+33 (0)3 44 23 79 20